My Thoughts

Has anyone noticed? Where are the virtues? Like Diogenes in search of an honest man, try searching for a virtuous one these days. I daresay the virtuous are a rare breed; indeed, I would even go so far as to declare virtue a lost habit much as imagination, creativity, honest effort, and hard work. We have become dull knives, so dull we can no longer slice bread or for the matter, half-melted butter. Yet, we do not mind the dullness, no, not at all, for a sharp knife might slice through our atrophy, which would be disastrous, to say the least.

We would rather cry about spilt milk than clean up the mess we ourselves have made, then blame someone else because we have no fine wine to sniff and pour. We wallow in unhappiness like a pig wallowing in its own waste, uncomfortable with the thought of pursuing what would make us happy or in the least less miserable. We never question why, why are we so miserably unhappy? We blame the system, we blame our neighbor, we blame, blame, blame, blame everyone and everything but ourselves and wonder why nothing ever changes, as if we should be bothered to wonder anymore at all.

Virtue (Latin: virtus, Ancient Greek: ἀρετή “arete“) is moral excellence and a foundation of principle and good moral being. A virtuous person conforms their life and conduct to moral and ethical principles; they don’t bend to impulses, urges or desires. We no longer believe in principles for we only believe in ourselves. Morality has been lost along with the transcendent and the divine. Virtues such as justice, prudence, temperance, and fortitude have lost their meaning; like salt that has lost its saltiness, good for nothing but to be trampled underfoot (Matthew 5:13).

Have you noticed? Do you care? It is long past time to bring out the stones and do some serious honing. Slice off the apathy and cut despair from your heart; time to quit wallowing in the muck, wash the waste from your moribund soul and return to virtue. It is never too late, it is never too soon. Think about it. Wake up America!

Just my thoughts for a Monday, for what it is worth.

About the author: Deacon Chuck

Deacon Chuck was ordained into the permanent diaconate on September 17, 2011, in the ministry of service to the Diocese of Reno and assigned to St. Albert the Great Catholic Community. He currently serves as the parish bulletin editor and website administrator. Deacon Chuck continues to serve the parish of Saint Albert the Great Catholic Community of the Diocese of Reno, Nevada. He is the Director of Adult Faith Formation and Homebound Ministries for the parish, conducts frequent adult faith formation workshops, and is a regular homilist. He currently serves as the bulletin editor for the parish bulletin. He writes a weekly column intended to encompass a broad landscape of thoughts and ideas on matters of theology, faith, morals, teachings of the magisterium and the Catholic Church; they are meant to illuminate, illustrate, and catechize the readers and now number more than 230 articles. His latest endeavor is "Colloqui: A journal for restless minds", a weekly journal of about 8 pages similar in content to bulletin reflections. All his reflections, homilies, commentaries, and Colloqui are posted and can be found on his website: Comments are always welcome and appreciated. He is the author of two books: "The Voices of God: hearing God in the silence" which offers the reader insights into how to hear God’s voice through all of the noise that surrounds us; and "Echoes of Love: Effervescent Memories" which through a combination of prose and verse provides the reader with a wonderful journey on the way to discovering forever love. He regularly speaks to groups of all ages and size and would welcome the opportunity to speak to your group.

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