Listen and you will hear His voice
When we speak we cannot contemplate, and without contemplation we cannot be present to the silent world that surrounds us. Too often we attempt to fill quiet moments with words because we are uncomfortable with the silence that pervades. When we speak to fill the void it is an attempt to control the situation, to become the master of the moment. “I am master of all I explain,” someone said.
It is in silence that we come into the presence of God and it is only in silence that we can hear His voice. As Elijah experienced, the Lord was not in the great and strong wind, earthquake, or fire; the Lord was in a tiny whispering sound. For us to hear the voice of God we must remain silent, we must listen intently, we must focus everything on Him. We will never hear His voice as long as we continue to speak.
When we come together to worship and give thanks and praise to God we enter into His holy place; it is sacred ground. God is present and we must be silent to his presence. Normal social conversation has no place in His holy place. While it is a distraction to some who wish to spend time with God it displays a lack of reverence for our Creator. Silence is golden, listen and you will hear His voice, then go out into the world and spread the Good News.