January 26, 2018

In this issue:

Patent Infringement: Leaving well-enough alone
On Whose Authority?: And a child shall lead them
Six Boys On A Hill: They stood for the flag

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January 19, 2018

In this issue:

Call Of The Wild : The devolution of man
Responding To His Call: Repondez s’il vous plait
Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind

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January 12, 2018

In this issue:

Let Us Suffer Together: On the exploitation of compassion
Responding To His Call: Repondez s’il vous plait
Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind

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January 05, 2018

In this issue:

God Created Us: Male and female he created us
Walking In The Light: Not all roads lead to heaven
Nashville Statement: A Coalition for Biblical Sexuality
Created Male And Femaile: An open letter from religious leaders

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December 29, 2017

In this issue:

Family Ties: Genetic indifference
Becoming Man: The Carpenter’s Apprentice
Courage: Saying “Yes” when God calls
Open All Hearts: Let us give thanks and praise

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December 22, 2017

In this issue:

A Christmas Miracle: Life in the small
One Miracle In Time: That pregnant pause
A Bed Fit For A King: What child is this?
Deacon’s Corner: Food for the restless mind

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December 15, 2017

In this issue:

Seeing Is Believing: Receiving the grace of God
A Witness To The Light: Testifying to the truth
Deacon’s Corner: Food for the restless mind

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December 08, 2017

In this issue:

Name Or Image — : The depth of our profanity
The Journey Inward: Make straight the way of the Lord
Deacon’s Corner: Food for the restless mind

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December 01, 2017

In this issue:

Forever — : Is composed of nows
A Lighted Candle: Is easily extinguished
What Is Man: A question never asked
Deacon’s Corner: Food for the restless mind
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November 24, 2017

In this issue:

Absent Light: Our descent into darkness
A Share Of Gratitude: It is in giving that we receive
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