April 21, 2017

In this issue:

The Cross We BearSuffering uninterrupted
For Want Of Argument: The lost art of controversy
Is Seeing Believing?: Faith in things unseen
Et Quod Hoc … : This and that …
Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind

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April 14, 2017

In this issue:

In Shadowed FootstepsAll the way to Calvary
No Act Condemned: Who am I to judge?
The Deeps Of Death: And the highs of love
Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind

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April 07, 2017

In this issue:

On The TranscendentBeing outside our own
Dead Or Alive: No longer your own
An Uneasy Feeling: The inescapable context of the time

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March 31, 2017

In this issue:

The Essence Of BeingDeath cannot touch the spirit
Ad Hominem: Losing the argument
Life In The Full: Reflecting on the whole of life
Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind

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March 24, 2017

In this issue:

Turn Down The LightsExtinguishing the conscience
Ship Of Fools Redux: Still lost and sinking fast
None So Blind: As those what will not see
Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind

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March 17, 2017

In this issue:

The Rising SonLooking toward the East
Our Thirst For God: God’s eternal thirst for us
Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind

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March 10, 2017

In this issue:

Under ConstructionFor the love of knowing
On Faith: Not my will, but yours
Et Quod Hoc …: This and that …
Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind

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March 03, 2017

In this issue:

Walking AwayWho or what is God’s rival
Full Of Empty: Behind the mask
Keeping Them From Idols: Teaching idolatry in our schools
Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind

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February 24, 2017

In this issue:

What Love Is ThisIs it love … enough
Rude Awakening: From peaceful slumber
A Deficiency Of Faith: How great the darkness

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February 17, 2017

In this issue:

The KISS PrincipleThe efficacy of simplicity
Attaining Perfection: How long must I be perfect
A Shell of Christianity: Those willing to die for their faith
Et Quod Hoc …: This and that …
Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind

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