May 15, 2020

In this issue:

Normal Interrupted: “Until it is safe” means never

Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind
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March 13, 2020

In this issue:

Tough Lovem Hard Truth: Saying so does not make it so

A Catholic Moment: III – Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day

Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind
More »

March 06, 2020

In this issue:

Got Them Screaming Memes: On existential common sense

A Catholic Moment: II – You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain

Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind
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February 28, 2020

In this issue:

The Dogdays Of Dogma: The winter of discontent

A Catholic Moment: Irreligion, Agnosticism and Atheism

Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind
More »

February 21, 2020

In this issue:

An Interlude For A Woman: She considered raising a family the epitome of success

A Catholic Moment: You shall not make for yourself a graven image

Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind
More »

February 14, 2020

In this issue:

The Log In Your Eye: When even numbers come up odd

A Catholic Moment: Him only shall you serve

Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind
More »

February 07, 2020

In this issue:

If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It: Searching for a cure for foolishness

A Catholic Moment: I am the Lord your God

Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind
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January 31, 2020

In this issue:

This Is A Hard Saying: Will you also go away?

A Catholic Moment: A Ten Commandments Quiz

Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind
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January 24, 2020

In this issue:

Going On Offense: Let the defense rest

A Catholic Moment: Can you not watch one hour with me?

Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind
More »

January 17, 2020

In this issue:

Mere Orthodoxy, Revisited: Regaining a faith once lost

A Catholic Moment: Holding hands

Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind
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