My Thoughts
There are some that just do not get it and never will. There is no convincing, no changing the mind, no matter the facts; it is frustrating and disheartening to encounter such willful blindness to the truth, knowing full well there is absolutely no cure, no corrective action, no palliative care to be attended. Come face-to-face with a grizzly bear, there are those who deny the bear exists, even as it eats them for a quick meal. It makes no sense, but it is what it is, there are fools such as these living among us and unfortunately, they too often breed like rabbits.
In this age of all things captured on video, one would think (I know, I presume far too much) such footage would prove a point beyond a shadow. One would think. One would, however, most likely be called a liar or a conspiracy nutcase, the video dismissed as nonsense, edited, taken out of context, a hoax, or mere disinformation. No matter how undeniable, it is denied; no matter how verified, no matter how true, no matter how hard the evidence, it is not believed.
It is difficult to believe there are so many fools eager to walk in front of an onrushing train fully expecting it to stop. Tragically, such fools are among the most “highly” educated, victims of our public institutions of “higher” learning lunacy—the only thing “higher” is the price one pays to be certified a certifiable lunatic. One needs look no further than the economic wunderkind pushing the Green New Deal (an equally noxious notion as bilious as Soylent Green.)
Wake up America!
Just my thoughts for a Wednesday, for what it is worth.