My Thoughts
How shallow we have become; how utterly hollow our kaleidoscopic lives. Imagine if you will a life so busy doing, never idle for a moment, never not doing, not going, not busy, just being. Unimaginable? I suppose it is for most of us. It is, or so it seems to me, the condition for the lot of the everyday and commonplace: too busy to take a moment to simply think, to breathe, to read, to live, to love, to pray, to know the truth, reality.
Thus, it is, we have grown accustomed to the everyday and commonplace, we no longer stretch ourselves beyond the day before. We are moribund, stagnant in our decay of unknowing, willingly being led where we would not go if we but thought about it for an instant. But then, we no longer have time for thought; we are far too busy. After all, thinking is hard work, the hardest thing a man or woman might do. It is much too easy to not think at all. Like the slogan, “Relax, sit back, and leave the driving to us” only now, it is the thinking we have left to others. There is a fable that describes the lot of us.
If you drop a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will of course frantically try to clamber out. But if you place it gently in a pot of tepid water and turn the heat on low, it will float there quite placidly. As the water gradually heats up, the frog will sink into a tranquil stupor, exactly like one of us in a hot bath, and before long, with a smile on its face, it will unresistingly allow itself to be boiled to death.
It is a metaphor of course, a cautionary tale intent on raising awareness to our inability or, more assuredly, our unwillingness to react to the inexorable threats which now dare enslave us. Curious it is how those who do not know history are so adamant to repeat it. Once there was—I know because I lived it—the Cold War and the dread of a nuclear winter, an ever-encroaching pandemic of fascism, socialism, and communism inexorably encompassing the globe. People died by the hundreds of millions at the hands of socialist tyrants and dictators, far, far more than this puny excuse of a pandemic we now are so terrorized.
One of our principal and continuing priorities when we are returned to office will be to restore the freedoms which the socialists have usurped. Let them learn that it is not a function of the State to possess as much as possible. It is not a function of the State to grab as much as it can get away with. It is not a function of the State to act as ring-master, to crack the whip, dictate the load which all of us must carry or say how high we may climb. It is not a function of the State to ensure that no one climbs higher than anyone else. All that is the philosophy of socialism. We reject it utterly for, however well-intended, it leads in one direction only: to the erosion and finally the destruction of the democratic way of life. ~ Margaret Thatcher, 1976
We have become shallow in our thinking, the superficial rules the mind and heart. The myriad of opinion polls tells us so. Opinion has become proof du jure of what we think, of what we believe, of what we know. We believe what we are told to believe by the “experts”, never questioning, never asking why or wherefore. We have become like lambs to the slaughter, tender and tasty; invited to the banquet unaware we are the meal.
Of course, you will disagree, for you have been told I am wrong and what I say is but the ravings of a lunatic, a cranky old white man too long of this world to be allowed a voice. Social media trolls and Pravda wonks and bureaucratic experts and academic elites and technocrat billionaires and insanely wealthy pompous movie stars and professional athletes will attest to my madness. Ever notice who does not think me mad? Something to think about. Wake up America.
Just my thoughts for a Wednesday, for what it is worth.