My Thoughts

An Orwellian ill wind is ablowin’ across the land; you can see it, taste it, touch it, but beware! Like acid it blinds the eye, dulls the tongue, numbs the hand and stills the tell-tale heart. Some may rightly claim this “hate” speech because it speaks of disturbing, unpleasant truths, truths still true no matter how much you demand them not. You can mask yourself against the bitter blow or stay the distance as prescribed, the insouciant wind cares not a whit for such feeble nonsense.

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October 16, 2020

In this issue:

Whither Thou Goeth: Lead me beside still waters

Baptism by Fire: The holocaust of the lambs

Deacon’s Diner: Food for a restless mind

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My Thoughts

Progress has never had much to say for itself, though it has all too much to say for your lack of it. The progressive, no doubt, will complain of the severe inconvenience of pausing long enough to assess the damage his progress has wrought. There is always more progress to be made, so little time to explain its value. It has always been a mystery the necessity of always progressing; what precisely is so wrong with status quo? Why not stop and prune the roses instead of replacing the bush with marigolds or collard greens? My truck will soon be old enough to drive itself, my car, eligible for Medicare; the new are seldom better, just shinier, and a great deal more expensive. If that is progress, I will leave you to it. I am old and old things suit me just fine and dandy; besides they are mine, clear and paid for.

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My Thoughts

Given the terrifying behavior of the tech giants Facebook and Twitter to lock out any mention of the latest scandal associated with Joe and Hunter Biden evidenced in a New York Post report, I feel compelled to admit, “I told you so” back in March of 2018[1]. Anyone with a pea brain could see it coming but no one cared then, and no one seems to care now. Actually, that may not be so today because no one knows what has happened because of the massive mind-warping that has occurred over the last few years. This is NOT Science Fiction, folks. This is scary real.

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My Thoughts

Yesterday ended too soon. Daylight is shrinking though where it has shrunk is anybody’s guess. Later comes sooner than later which saves the worm an early demise. Early to bed makes the day shorter, early to rise gets the worm, though it sure seems odd to lop off one end then tack it to the other. This my friends is what happens when the day starts off late and ends far later.

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My Thoughts

Imagine for a moment. Imagine choosing between door #1 and door #2; both identical in size and color, just two doors side by side, utterly unremarkable in every way. You must choose to open one, knowing whichever one you choose will impact everything: your life, your family, your friends, and everything you hold dear. There is a key which will unlock each door, it is in a box in front of you. Within each box there is a manuscript with the key. Each manuscript provides instructions to unlock the door and describes what is to be found behind the door. Spend all the time you need to read both manuscripts; read with the utmost care for your life and the lives of those you love depends upon which door you choose to open for there can be no returning.

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October 09, 2020

In this issue:

Spirituality of the Divine Polyhedral: An infinity of persons More »

My Thoughts

As legend has it, George Washington, in his youth, admitted, “I cannot tell a lie. I did, I did chop down that cherry tree.” Now, why he wielded axe to such a pithy blossom must remain a mystery. Yet, truth be told—it is a morality tale, after all—strict adherence to truth is the severest form of virtue; to lie, no matter size nor reason, brings the liar low, truth elevates the soul toward the divine.

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My Thoughts

Someone I know by name and family took argument with the CDC numbers I provided in a recent essay. While there has been a lengthy thread of back and forth, the latest from Jim and an email from a friend caused me to reflect upon the desperation I have been seeing on the faces and in the words of so many leftist, progressive, Chicken Little fearmongers of late.

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My Thoughts

Jesus said it—twenty-one times: “Be not afraid.” Pope Saint John Paul II entitled a book he wrote with those three words. He said it, “I plead with you… never, ever give up on hope, never doubt, never tire, and never become discouraged. Be not afraid.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt said much the same: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Nothing wrong with that, absolutely nothing. So why then is it so terrifyingly appalling when President Trump tells us to be not afraid? I don’t get it, I don’t.

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