All we have to do is ask
Upon reflection I concluded that each phrase calls us to act; we must actively and purposefully engage in some action: Ask, Seek, Knock. Without action there can be no reaction, no consequent response. In addition, each act requires that we condition ourselves, prepare ourselves in some manner for the response from God.
If you ask, you must listen.
As I learned during the retreat, to pray you must “sit down and shut up” although I personally prefer Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I Am God.” All of your senses must be tuned to hear God’s voice. Remember that God speaks to us in many forms, not necessarily as you might expect; often not with words.
If you seek, you must open your eyes, your mind, and your soul.
You must shine the light of Christ within in order to discover the unseen, the hidden. You cannot find what you seek in the darkness.
If you knock, you must enter and embrace the unknown, the unknowable.
You must put aside your fears of what lies beyond, knock down the walls of separation, distrust, hatred, and fear. You must accept and embrace what is now unknown to you because it is, it will be of God.
Every moment of our lives are unknown before we live them. The moments yet to come lie there like a closed door, a shuttered eye, a blocked ear. We cannot hope to live them, enjoy them, and embrace them unless we ask, seek, and knock. God is ready to respond, all we have to do is ASK.