We are all broken
We are all in need of healing in some form or another but how we answer the question is a crucial element to the healing process; we must answer the question before healing can begin.
Earlier this week I saw a short video where two distinct groups of people were interviewed, a group of men waiting in line at a welfare office and a group of men who voiced quite disgusting racial bigotry. While each group was distinctly different from the other, they shared a common response to the question posed by Jesus.
The interviewer asked men who were entering a welfare office several questions. The first was “Are you trying to find a job?” to which the answer was unanimously “No.” They were there to get “free money.” Another question was “Do you have any children?” to which one man responded “5 children from 4 baby mommas.”
The interviewer asked the other group of men questions pertaining to the President. I won’t repeat their responses as they were disgusting and vile with serious racial overtones.
Both groups were in need of the healing power of Jesus but they didn’t see themselves in that light. They saw nothing wrong with their attitudes and beliefs.
While most of us do not share the attitudes and beliefs that these groups of men hold, we are all broken in some way. We need to recognize our failings, our sins, and our faults. We need to ask ourselves the question “Do I want to be well?” and then say “Yes!” to Jesus. You cannot be healed unless you wish to be.