each of us to a purpose

The butterfly effect
John Donne wrote “No man is an island, entire of itself … any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind.” The truth is we are inextricably bound to one another no matter how much effort we expend in distancing ourselves from each other. As Meister Eckhart saw it “What happens to another, whether it be a joy or a sorrow, happens to me.” Jesus tells us that beyond loving God the most important thing required of us is to “love your neighbor as yourself” [Matt 22:29] and isn’t that a calling from God?
When we think of a calling from God the first thought that crosses our mind is often that of a religious nature, a call to the priesthood or religious life, a ‘vocation’ but a religious vocation is not for everyone. As someone recently quipped “If everyone was either a priest or a nun there wouldn’t be many people around!” But God calls each of us, everyone, to a purpose and no matter what that might be; the result will in some way be to love your neighbor.
In one sense, those who are not called to the priesthood or religious life, have a greater opportunity to evangelize and spread the Gospel. Perhaps not with a deep theological education or a sound understanding of hermeneutics or philosophy, but filled with a love of God and neighbor, anyone can bear the message of Jesus Christ.
Once when submitting some vestments for dry cleaning, I was asked by the clerk which church I attended. When I told her, her eyes lit up and she exclaimed that when she died she was going to leave something to that church. She went on to explain that years before, newly arrived in town, she had stopped at the parish office and asked for assistance and was astonished at the outpouring a love and aid given to her. Although not a Catholic, she was deeply moved by the compassion and support provided and vowed then that she would someday repay their kindness and generosity.
Scientists who study chaos theory use a term called the ‘butterfly effect’ to describe how some small, seemingly insignificant event can result in a large, significant result some time later. Likewise, how we live our lives can have an equally large effect on others, even without our knowledge or awareness. A smile or warm embrace, a simple ‘hello’ or a friendly wave can cause a positive and meaningful change in the lives of others and who knows, it could actually impact the whole world.