Making ourselves present to God
In the song Lookin’ for Love Waylon Jennings sang “I was looking for love in all the wrong places…” The song, while less eloquent than that of St. Augustine, expresses the same sentiment. Too often we are not present to the beauty, love, and grace that exist within the ordinary moments of our lives. Life is full of abundant richness but we aren’t present to accept it. We are too busy looking in all the wrong places, looking everywhere but within our own selves; too often we are not enough inside of ourselves to appreciate what God has provided for us. We are living outside of ourselves, not present to the beauty and riches within.
The purpose of prayer is not to try to make God present, but to make ourselves present to God; it is the same with discovering the beauty and richness of life. God and all His wondrous creation are present but we are not because we are looking elsewhere. We must look within, love who we are, and be present in the moment. Like St. Augustine, we are outside, searching for something that exists within us. We don’t have to look for Love elsewhere. God is present, Love is present. All you have to do is be present, to look within to see the face of God.